All about cars in a nutshell – automotive parts and components

Welcome to „“, the detailed info platform for car drivers who want to know more about the components of a modern vehicle.

Cars today offer you maximum safety and pleasure on the road. They consist of numerous parts and components which are perfectly coordinated to ensure reliable operation for many years. This Internet portal aims to stimulate your interest in these individual parts and components and provide further details about the technology found in modern vehicles without making the topic too dry.

We hope you enjoy reading „“ and look forward to receiving your views, suggestions and ideas.

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Parts and component


Exciting topics around the car

Towing is sometimes a necessity, such as if you were to buy a mobile caravan, but also sometimes dependent on the situation...


Whatever the time of year, but particularly in the winter, when it’s often dark, cold and wet, car problems can be stressful and an unnecessary cause for concern.


Passing a driving test and getting your first car is an exciting time for any new driver, but while some are cautious...


While it is easy to notice some parts of your car gradually wearing over time and during its regular use...


MoT test deferral - What do I do?

To test or not to test, that is the question!

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